The Observatory


Art. 1

1. The "Observatory for Education and international Cooperation", hereinafter the "Observatory", is hereby established at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, hereinafter the "Università Cattolica". 
2. The Observatory is based in Milan and makes use of the structures of The University Centre for International Solidarity (CeSI - CIS) of the Università Cattolica, for its work. 
3. The Observatory has a duration of four academic years, and is renewable.
4. The Rector represents the Observatory vis-à-vis third parties.

Art. 2

1. In the light of Catholic Social Doctrine, the main purpose of the Observatory is to contribute to the fulfilment of a Global Education Pact, promoting studies, research, training and publications on education and international cooperation, developing new analysis and investigation tools that allow the foundation of an international cooperation teaching based on the ethics of responsibility, the principle of solidarity and sustainable development. These may also be carried out in collaboration with universities, research centres and international organisations.

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