
Humane Robotics

Humane Robotics

Humane robotics

The Laboratory completed the book 'Humane Robotics, A multidisciplinary approach towards the development of humane-centered technologies'. The book was edited by HTLab Director Giuseppe Riva, and Professor Antonella Marchetti, a member of the Scientific Board, and published by Vita e Pensiero, the publishing house of the Università Cattolica.

The book is organized into four sections covering four interconnected but distinct themes. The first section considers the theories and conceptual tools for analyzing Human-Robot Confluence (HRC), with a particular focus on the current limits of humanoid robots and the concepts of shared experience and functional autonomy. The second and third sections deal respectively with the role of cognitive and emotional factors within human-robot interaction and the use of robotics in different fields of application, such as medicine and agriculture. On the other hand, the final section opens a strategic reflection on the global health, economic, and legal challenges arising from the attempt to achieve a humane, tolerant and compassionate technology towards the individual.

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