Presentation of the book "Your Face Belongs to Us"
The volume represents the first investigation into the Clearview AI app and addresses the topic of artificial intelligence for facial recognition, exploring the risks and potentials associated with it.
Presentation of the book
Orville Press publisher
New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill presents her latest investigative book on artificial intelligence for facial recognition, exploring the risks and potentials associated with it.
The book has been published in Italian version by Orville Press.
This is the first investigation into a technology destined to change everyone's life. In a few months, it may happen that a stranger takes a photo of you with their cellphone on the street or at a restaurant, and from that photo, in a few seconds, they extract your name, address, and access to all your social media. This is because they will have downloaded the app from the obscure startup, Clearview AI, whose story Kashmir Hill reconstructs in this investigation, which is also inevitably a thriller.
The event, organized by the Humane Technology Lab at Università Cattolica, will feature the participation of Professor Giuseppe Riva, director of the Laboratory, and Massimo Sideri, columnist for Corriere della Sera, who will discuss with the author, Kashmir Hill, the implications of technology in our daily lives.
The meeting will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation. Free admission until seats are filled.
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