How Natural Language Processing with AI Can Improve Business Decisions
Second Meeting within the framework of the series "Humane Intelligence: Transforming Artificial Intelligence into Positive Technology"
We will explore the transformative potential of natural language analysis supported by Artificial Intelligence in the business context.
With the participation of Massimo Chiriatti, CTO of Lenovo Italy, Marco Carlo Passarotti, Professor of Computational Linguistics and Director of the CIRCSE Research Center, and Manuela Perrone, journalist for Il Sole 24 Ore.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 5:30 PM, in room G.013 Giovanni XXIII.
Participants who attend all three meetings of the series "Humane Intelligence: Transforming Artificial Intelligence into Positive Technology" in full will receive an Open Badge, certifying the acquired knowledge and competencies.
Free admission subject to availability. Registration is required.
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