
Apis - Amore per il sapere

(Re)building the house. The words of the social doctrine to inhabit the school, the city and the planet is the title of a series of online meetings promoted by Istituto Toniolo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Associazione Apis - Amore per il sapere, in collaboration with the National Service for the teaching of religion of The Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI), Associazione Diesse and Associazione Amici dell'Università Cattolica. The webinars will be held in October-November 2023 in live streaming. 

Sinderesi Foundation

Since the collaboration began in 2016, our Centre with Fondazione Sinderesi and its president, Mons. Samuele Sangalli, organize an annual seminar to present the research conducted by Sinderesi school. Sinderesi School is a training course for socio-economic and political engagement in the light of Christian tradition, and the results of its annual research are collected in volumes published by GBPress. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Italy is also actively involved in the organization of the seminars.

Caritas in Veritate Foundation, Geneva

A working group created within the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences in partnership with the University Centre, systematically collaborates with the Observatory of the Holy See at the United Nations and Specialized Institutions in Geneva through the Caritas in Veritate Foundation, on topics of particular interest for the Holy See within international institutions. In 2019, the Centre collaborated in drafting the report Rethinking Labor. Ethical Reflections on the Future of Work, on the 100th anniversary of the International Labor Organization, first and enduring fruit of the League of Nations. This Report offers an overview of the future of work with reference both to advanced countries and to low-income countries, where decent work appears as the only sustainable path to escape hunger and indigence. See also the 2014 Report Beyond the Financial Crisis. Towards a Christian Perspective for Action, by Paul H. Dembinski and Simona Beretta.

Other collaborations

Some colleagues of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart who are involved in different ecclesial organisms are systematic collaborators of our Centre:

  • Simona Beretta (Consultor ad quinquennium to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development; Member of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union - COMECE, Bruxelles)
  • Martino Diez (Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue)
  • Sebastiano Nerozzi (Secretary of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the Social Weeks of Catholic Italians)
  • Laura Zanfrini (Consultor ad quinquennium to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development)


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